Get your site indexed on Google

By KillerElf on 4:10 AM

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You might be using blogger and wondering why your site doesn't get to the top results on google and other people's sites do.Well you're in luck in this tutorial I'll show you how to add a sitemap so google can crawl and index your pages faster and therefore rate your website higher.Let's get started.
First off you need a Google Webmaster Tools Account.You can get one by going to:
Once you're logged in select your blog and go to the Optimization tab then Sitemaps.If you're using Blogger there's a default sitemap at otherwise you'd have to create your own.I might cover that in an upcoming tutorial but for now click ADD/TEST SITEMAP and put in sitemap.xml , test it just to make sure if it comes up with the number of posts you've made on your blog it's all working good.Go ahead an submit the sitemap.

Again it should come up with the numbers of posts/pages you have on your site.You can check the progress of your pages on the bottom right where it says Indexed also if there's any issues with your website.Now the only thing left to do is wait.

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