Measure Your Password Strenght

By KillerElf on 12:56 PM

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Filed Under: is a great website to use if you need a good view on your passwords' strenght and where it needs to be improved.

For me it gives the most accurate and useful information you can get online.

YouTube Video Not Loading?

By KillerElf on 12:47 PM

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I've been coming across this quite often lately and I figured out that for some reason when a video is embedded in another site there's never a problem with playback.So for example we'll use which is not loading for me.

You can share it to your facebook or google+ or you can simply replace the part that says to and that will take you to a site that loops videos on YouTube or specific parts of them down to a second in lenght.
As you can see the video loaded.Also you can use that to get around the age verification on youtube if you're at a friends house for example and don't want to log onto your google account.
Hope that helps!